Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Walk on Water, Pete! – Matthew 14:22-33


In the end, who looks better? Peter who tried and sank or the other 11 who didn’t even try?
It was Helen Keller who said, “Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all.”
Heavenly Father, grant that we might be great risk-takers for the kingdom of God. Shake us loose from the security of staying in the boat. Help us to walk on the waters of faith because we believe that Jesus will hold us up. Amen.

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking - you can be like a sponge, absorbing everything and anything, even the dirty water
or you could be panning for gold. sieving through the rubbish for the gold. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Total Forgiveness

RT Kendall's book on Total Forgiveness
7 Steps on totally forgiving others

1. Make the deliberate and irrevocable choice not to tell anybody what they did
2. Be pleasant to them should you be around them
3. If conversation ensures, say that which would set them free from guilt
4. Let them feel good about themselves
5. Protect them from their greatest fear
6. Keep it up today, tomorrow, this year and next
7. Pray for them

The 5 stages in praying for our enemies

RT Kendall on Total Forgiveness